Monday, October 18, 2004

Annapolis City

Annapolis是Maryland州的首府, 這個地方跟Alexandria很像, 而且都有一個特色---白人超多, 跟我住的地方不同, 這個城市就比較有味道, 走在路上的人們氣質看起來也比較不一樣, 我們要來這裡的路上, 從橋上看河岸景色可真是非常地優美, 尤其是Bay Bridge(跨過Chesapeake Bay), 如果是黃昏來那更是超美. 本來想說可以看看船啊河啊, 結果碰到他們的Boat Show, 把整個港都封住了, 重點是那個Show要價16.50美元, 真狠! 那個show的目的是賣船, 竟然連要買船都要交入場費, 可憐我們這些窮學生連想偷看一下有錢人怎麼爽都沒法子, 看來還是乖乖地去買彩卷吧!


Alexandria 河港

我有一個室友, 常常跑去Virginia玩耍, 害得我跟Amy都一直很想去, 終於在何宗憲的引介下跑到這個港市---Alexandria. 這裡以前是個商港口, 現在變成私人渡假的港口, 而這條河是Potomac river---華盛頓特區所濱臨的河, Alexandria旅遊書上寫著---沒有Potomac River, 就沒有Alexandria City, 果真有河就有文明, 這點在地球上可真是通行無阻啊! 我們到的這一天是星期五, 所以黃昏時就已經有人開始來這裡玩弄他們的寶貝遊艇了, 我偷偷地在看美國人在遊艇上做什麼, 結果得到跟我在希臘玩時一樣的結論---歐美人真是愛念書, 日光浴時要念書, 在遊艇上要念書, 是那麼無聊喔, 我整天都在家裡寫功課, 閒書到是好久沒空看了說.....不過美國人還真是懂得享受, 看來我也要好好地融入一下他們這樣的生活態度, 重新拿起我的F1跟Football來研究研究....

Jiun-Yun @ Alexandria 10/08/2004

Alexandria 街道

這裡的街道名稱很有趣, 從King到Queen, Prince, Princess, Duke, ....一直下去. 而主要街道想當然爾是King St., 這裡的房子跟Maryland差很多, 比較像我還沒來美國前想像我應該要住的地方, 而這裡的房子聽說很貴, 很多DC裡面的議員跟官員都住這裡. 此外, Alexandria最著名的就是吃東西的店很多, 我們只待到傍晚就去趕去買菜了, 下次再來好好大快朵頤一番!


Sunday, October 17, 2004

Lake around.

It's the lake near my place. It's a artificial lake and people can swim until it was found with some poison elements. I like the US for its profound "green" and the space. Larger the space you have, wider the mind you own. Believe it or not, living here make me more comfortable due to the green, the forests, lake, ....They are all nature. But ironically, Americans always waste the materials to an unbelievable extent for Chinese. They use a lot of plastic bags, papers, waters, gas,.....I think we chinese have more real attitude toward the nature. Hope I won't be affected or tainted by this country. We have only one Earth.



Wow! It's the first week we arrived at the Greenbelt. Nothing was here and nowhere we knew. Time is always the best pacifying pill to people. We did a lot and finally got a wonderful place now. But we picked this photo to remind us to cherish our properties we own and give the very thanks to the guys who ever gave us a hand. Hopefully we can help more guys next year and in the future.


Crazy Red

Everyone without red clothes won't come in UMD terps game. In the states, color is very important for every school. You can see yellow-blue represents UMich, purple as Northwestern U., Green for MSU, Orange for U. of Texas, and Blue for Duke. In Taiwan, you could hardly see so many bright colors in people or their logos. Before here, I am not used to red. But now, red is better and better for me.


Scoreboard of Byrd Stadium (of UMD)

The scoreboard of UMD Byrd stadium. This was the first football game I attended and also the start of 2004 season for UM Terps. It's an exciting game and we won by 3 points. Due to our rookie QB, we just have a tie record (3-3) and on the consecutive loses. Football is one of three sports I like most. If you watch very often and understand it more well, you will figure out why Amercians craze for it. It's the standard spirit of America--- Hero, Team work and Win.
